As a broker, you are my customer. I don’t work for a single bank.
Let’s pretend you walk into your friendly neighborhood retail bank branch. They will sell you only their products at their prices. But what if another lender has a more appropriate product? What if the same product is available at a better price?
Now take a meeting with me. Not only do you have access to the same mortgage products as your neighborhood bank, but you also have the products and prices of many lenders.
I guide you through a single application process with a single credit report pulled. Having so many choices may be confusing, but I live in that marketplace and guide you through the process with good advice built on many years of experience and state of the art tools.
I represent you. Your best choices are my concern: professionally, ethically, legally. And, I only get paid when your loan closes.
I wrote my first mortgage loan in 1992. Since then I have personally brokered hundreds of loans and continue to undergo professional training and continuing education. If I was getting knee surgery, should I go to the general surgeon or the specialist on knees that’s done a thousand knees? Having an expert that knows what they’re doing can be so critical to your success.
So, there are significant benefits in going from a regular bank to a mortgage broker: you will have access to more options, better products, better closing times, same or better rates. It’s simply a smart choice.
Reach out to me today and let’s talk about what you want to accomplish.